• Join multiple components, so that they can be applied as one component. Can reduce repetitive markup in many cases. If you specify a returnValue the new component will return it, else it will return the return value of the last joined component.


    Returns ((element, attr, ...context) => any)

      • (element, attr, ...context): any
      • Parameters

        • element: Element
        • attr: Attr
        • Rest ...context: any[]

        Returns any


    import ( join, Actribute ) from 'deleight/actribute';

    document.body.innerHTML = `
    <div>I am not a component</div>
    <main c-comp><p>I am inside a joined component</p></main>
    <section>I am not a component</section>
    <article>I am not a component</article>

    const act = new Actribute();
    const comps = [];
    const baseComp = (node) => comps.push(node.tagName);
    const comp = join([baseComp, baseComp, baseComp]);
    act.register({ comp });


    console.log(comps.length); // 3
    console.log(comps[0]); // "MAIN"
    console.log(comps[1]); // "MAIN"
    console.log(comps[2]); // "MAIN"