Type Parameters





  • Creates a single object that propagates actions on it to multiple objects.

    Type Parameters


    • many: T

    Returns One<T>


    import { One } from "deleight/onetomany";
    const first = {}, second = {}, third = {}, fourth = {};
    const many = { first, second, third };
    const o1 = new One(many);

    // set the same value on all objects
    o1.set({ p1: 78 });


many: T


  • Calls corresponding methods in a similar way to set. In this case, call arguments are interpreted instead of property values.

    Multiple arguments should be provided as an object with the [arg] property whose value should be an array containing the arguments. A regular array is considered a single argument.

    Nested one objects will have their call method invoked correspondingly.


    Returns {}


      import { One, map, args } from "deleight/onetomany";
      const arr1 = [], arr2 = [], arr3 = [];
      const o4 = new One({ arr1, arr2, arr3 });
      o4.call({ push: 78 });
      o4.call({ push: { [args]: [56, 57] } });
      // arr1 = arr2 = arr3 = [78, 56, 57]
    • The opposite of extend. Removes the specified keys from this.many and returns this typed differently.

      Type Parameters

      • U extends string | number | symbol


      • Rest ...keys: U[]

      Returns One<Omit<T, U>>


      import { One } from "deleight/onetomany";
      const first = {}, second = {}, third = {}, fourth = {};
      const many = { first, second, third };
      const o1 = new One(many);
      const o2 = o1.contract('first', 'third');
      // One({ second })
    • Performs delete on the objects in this One. The argument is treated the same way as in get.


      Returns One<T>


      import { One, map } from "deleight/onetomany";
      const first = {}, second = {}, third = {}, fourth = {};
      const many = { first, second, third };
      const o1 = new One(many);
      o1.set({ p1: 78 });
      const complex = { first: 56, second: 12, third: 12 };
      o1.set({ p2: { [map]: complex }, p3: complex });

      o1.delete('p1', 'p2');
      // One({ first: { p3: complex }, second: { p3: complex }, third: { p3: complex } })
    • Joins many with this.many and returns this. The benefit of using this function instead of something like Object.assign is to handle some special cases and ensure that the updated One is (almost) correctly typed during development.

      If the same key exists in the joined objects, the new one will overwrite the current one, except if the current value is a One instance when extend will be called on it instead.

      Type Parameters

      • U extends object


      • many: U

      Returns One<IExtend<T, U>>


      import { One } from "deleight/onetomany";
      const first = {}, second = {}, third = {}, fourth = {};
      const many = { first, second, third };
      const o1 = new One(many);
      const o2 = o1.extend({ fourth });
      // One({ first, second, third, fourth })
    • Gets the property (or properties) with the specified name(s) from all the objects in this.many.

      1. if what is a string, returns only the property specified (as an object mapping object key to property value).
      2. if what is an array of strings, returns 'sub-objects' of all the objects consisting of the specified property names (also mapped like 1).
      3. if what is an object, it is treated as a map of object names to property name(s) to return.
      4. if an object in this.many is a One instance, its get method is called for its property value(s).


      Returns {}


        import { One, map } from "deleight/onetomany";
        const first = {}, second = {}, third = {}, fourth = {};
        const many = { first, second, third };
        const o1 = new One(many);
        o1.set({ p1: 78 });
        const complex = { first: 56, second: 12, third: 12 };
        o1.set({ p2: { [map]: complex } });

        // { first: 78, second: 78, third: 78 }

        o1.get('p1', 'p2');
        // { first: { p1: 78, p2: 56 }, second: { p1: 78, p2: 12 }, third: { p1: 78, p2: 12 } }

        o1.get({ first: 'p2', second: 'p1' });
        // { first: 56, second: 78 }
      • Sets one or more properties on all the objects in this instance. what is an object mapping property names to property values.

        Each value in what is set on all the objects in this One. The same value will be set unless the value is an object containing the [map] property. In such a case, the value of the property is treated as a map of object key (in this.many) to object property value. That is, the objects with corresponding keys will have their property values set to the corresponding values.

        This will call set on any nested One objects accordingly.


        Returns One<T>


        import { One, map } from "deleight/onetomany";
        const first = {}, second = {}, third = {}, fourth = {};
        const many = { first, second, third };
        const o1 = new One(many);
        o1.set({ p1: 78 });
        const complex = { first: 56, second: 12, third: 12 };
        o1.set({ p2: { [map]: complex }, p3: complex });

        o1.get('p2', 'p3');
        // { first: { p2: 56, p3: complex }, second: { p2: 12, p3: complex }, third: { p2: 12, p3: complex } }
      • Creates and returns another instance of One containing only the objects with these names. If a name is not present in this.many, a new object is created for it in the returned One.


        • Rest ...names: (keyof T)[]

        Returns One<IObject>


        import { One } from "deleight/onetomany";
        const first = {}, second = {}, third = {}, fourth = {};
        const many = { first, second, third };
        const o1 = new One(many);
        const o2 = o1.slice('first', 'second')
        // One({ first, second })
      • Creates and returns an instance of View for only the specified properties. what is an object mapping object keys (in this.many) to the property names.


        Returns View<T>


        import { One, map } from "deleight/onetomany";
        const first = {}, second = {}, third = {}, fourth = {};
        const many = { first, second, third };
        const o1 = new One(many);
        o1.set({ p1: 78 });
        const complex = { first: 56, second: 12, third: 12 };
        o1.set({ p2: { [map]: complex } });
        o1.view({first: 'p1', second: 'p2'});
        view.get(); // { first: 78, second: 12 }